to only have one person read it. so instead of just replying to him, i'll paste it here too. so that a 2nd person will read it.
1.What time did you get up this morning?
10:30ish, but only because i had a late night of drinking.
2. Diamonds or pearls?
Pearls. Diamonds symbolize the sheep-like mentality of humanity. The cartel tricks people into thinking diamonds have value, and people sacrafice so much to obtain them. How much you love your wife can be measured by the size of the diamond you got her. Ha! i wish i still had the link of the thesis i read on diamonds. It was shocking to see how manipulative the cartel was and is. Pearls at least have a natural beauty to them.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
King Kong? I hated it.
4.What is your favorite TV show?
Six Feet Under. Currently (and i use that term loosely), it's Arrested Development. No wait, the Colbert could i forget?
5. What did you have for breakfast?
leftover pizza from last night. But it was more like a brunch.
6. What is your middle name?
Andrew. My spelling is so bad that i actually had to look at that for awhile to make sure i got it right.
7. What is your favorite cuisine?
I could live exclusively on Italian.
8. What foods do you dislike?
Now that I've grown to tolerate beets, i think the only thing i actively don't like is asaparagus. I'm not a fan of celery in potato salad, but that's more of a texture issue, not taste.
9. Your favorite Potato chip?
Sour cream and onion. Though the bite sized tostitoes rule all. And pepper jack doritoes are fantastic.
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
A few days ago i saw a documentary on "american idiot" and how it's a rock opera. Ever since then, i've been re-into the album. I wish i could pick a more unique album than that.
11. What kind of car do you drive?
ha! I haven't driven in a decade.
12. Favorite sandwich?
There was an old italian deli where i used to work. They barely spoke any english, and I don't think they realized how ridiculously overstuffed their sandwiches were. For about 6 months straight, we always got capicola, salami, provoline with oil and vinegar. Those sandwiches were heavenly. I wish i could remember the name of the deli, they deserve the plug.
13. What characteristics do you despise?
I don't like people who are not self aware. I also don't like people who refuse to at least TRY to be objective. The people who would rather take the easy way out and blindly believe in something instead of searching for the truth (even if that truth turns out to be dark), annoy me.
14. Favorite item of clothing?
The effort that goes into clothing kills me. Just give me a solid colored shirt that fits, and comfortable jeans. That being said, there was this pair of sneakers that i really liked in the mall a couple of months ago. They didn't have my size, but now i've become obsessed with getting them. It's the first time since i was 14 that i've actively cared about a piece of clothing.
15. Where in the world on vacation would you go?
16. What color is your bathroom?
I assume it's white. I do know that my mom insisted on hanging up some framed thing that has bathroom humor on it. Sort of like a top ten list. I was so embarassed that I couldn't win the argument as to what goes in my bathroom, that I vowed never to read the list. Years later, and i think i've only glanced at one or two lines by accident.
18. Where would you want to retire?
at a Vineyard in Italy
19. Favorite time of day?
11:30 pm on weeknights - the Colbert Report.
20. Where were you born?
Hackettstown NJ. It really drives me crazy when i'm asked that question on forms and stuff, b/c i never know how to spell that town.
21. Favorite sport to watch?
Live - Baseball. On tv, college basketball (that's new for me). If SHU played at a small venue, i'd probably love it live too.
22. Who do you least expect to send this back?
I don't know enough about myspace to mass email. I assume this is going just to joeysoup.
23. Person you expect to send it back first?
nobody, since Joeysoup already sent it out.
24. What laundry detergent do you use?
It's in a yellow container. I could pick it out of a lineup, but i can't remember the name.
25. Coke or Pepsi?
I had a grape soda the other day that was just awesome. Over the long hall, i'd have to go with diet mountain dew, code red.
26. Are you a morning person or night owl?
Now that my sleep apnea is under control, i'm good in teh mornings too. I like both ends of the day, but it's the middle that i find a little grueling.
27. sandals or boots shoe do you wear?
I don't wear sandals or boots. and i hate shoes too. just give me sneakers.
28. Do you own any pets?
no. I'm also tempted to get a cat at some point, but i won't.
29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone?
I just found out last night that i might be eligible for a three month extension for unemployment. But, i think i may be close to getting a job.
30. What did you want to be when you were little?
not little. I wasted a good chunk of my life always waiting for the future. Now, i'm more content with the present.
31. Favorite Candy Bar?
twix or kit kats. i don't eat them enough to really have an answer.
32. What is your best childhood memory?
watching WWF ppv's at my cousin's house. Generally just sleeping over there and whatnot.
33. What are the different jobs you have had in your life?
private tutor, professional note taker, umpire, computer lab assistant, exam proctor, judge's law clerk.
34. What color underwear are you wearing?
white, always white. I can't stand thinking about clothes, do you really think i'm going to deal with underwear too?
35. Nicknames:
Denny, FFB, "D"
36. Piercing?
Never got around to getting one. Now, it's cliched.
37. Eye color?
brown i guess.
38. Ever been to Africa?
39. Ever been toilet papering?
40. Love someone so much it made you cry?
41. Been in a car accident?
Just one, but boy was it a doozy.
42. Croutons or Bacon Bits?
croutons, though i have issues with their size and structure. I don't like the ones that you can't press your fork through but are too big to be scooped up with a normal forkful of salad.
43. Favorite day of the week?
Always loved sunday afternoons. I think that might be a defining characteristic. Saturday nights are all full of drama, but the sunday afternoon is so calm and relaxing. Nothing beats falling asleep to a football game.
44. Favorite restaurant?
The rodizio place in Belville. Although, maybe i'd go with "bertas" just b/c that's where we always go for family outings. But, i don't really like the food there anymore.
45. Favorite flower(s)?
White roses. Depending on the situation, maybe one single red rose in the center of the red roses. But, i am looking forward to death, b/c i really love Uncle Chuck's bleeding heart. Joey, are you listening? do one up nice and special when i go.
46. Favorite ice cream?
Vanilla. Probably vanilla bean if i had to be specific, but french vanilla is good too.
47. Disney or Warner Brothers?
Warner Brothers. Daffy Duck has sass. Although, i wish i could choose neither, b/c i hate supporting either one of the big 5 corporations (disney, aol time warner, news corp, GE, viacom)
48. Favorite fast food restaurant?
uh, there's a place around teh block that has 5 dollar large plain pies that are actually good. and that's not even 5 plus tax. You just hand him a 5 dollar bill and he hands you a pie. Wendys is good too though.
49. What color is your bedroom carpet?
my floor is all tiled. though i have four little patches of biege carpet under the wheels of the bed.
50. How many times did you fail your driver's test
zero. shocked?
51. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail?
"the James". We had to recap the events of last night, and discuss our tentative plans for a table shuffle board adventure on sunday. any interest?
52. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Best buy. I couldn't even think of a second store. I live at best buy.
53. What do you do most often when you are bored?
internet and eat.
54. Bedtime?
anytime after Colbert Report (12)
55. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire?
I was really interested to read soup's answers. He always seemed more interesting then the rest of Nick's friends (no offense to any of them). I can't believe that the kid who got beat up all the time is going to be the leader of teh revolution.
56. Last person you went to dinner with?
well, some of us ate last night (either at the bar, or at whitecastle afterwards). but if the definition is actually oging to dinner, then that would be jessica.
57. What are you reading now?
Wow, 98% of the time, i wouldn't have an answer b/c i'm just incapable of reading books anymore. But, i have the calvin and hobbes full collection on my bed opened right now.
58. What are you listening to right now?
Oh man, this is so embarassing, but i actually had to put on something "unique" so i could answer this question truthfully. "Battles". I saw them open for Mission of Burma a couple of weeks ago, and i was blown away. It was by far the best opener i've ever seen (i may have liked the redwalls when they opened more, but battles has more of an "opening band" style to them, if that makes sense). I can also hear MSG over my shoulder. I had to put the knicks game on tonight to see the trainwreck.
59. What is your favorite color(s)?
Dark Purple. I'm obsessed. I think purple is unfairly labeled a chick's color. It's just like blue. Why is blue manly, but not purple?
60. Lake, Ocean or river?
This was a really good question. Lake. I think i'm going to steal this question and use it to springboard a whole conversation about life and philosophy.
61. How many tattoos do you have?
1. I really want a 2nd one. I know exactly what it's going to be and where it's going to go. I'm trying to hold out until i'm 30 though.
62. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Eggs. Definitely. Other species besides chickens lay eggs.
63. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
In terms of taste? a pale ale. In terms of getting the job done for concerts? red bull and vodka, made 50/50 in a sprite bottle and chugged on teh path. Yankee games? "reaper". You take a two liter bottle of sprite and empty it to one inch below the label. Fill with vodka, and then add some lemon juice. Heck, i should have just said vodka and been done with it.
64. What things do you collect?
65. family guy or the simpsons?
family guy, though both have slipped since their peak, the simpsons slip was a huge downward spiral.
66. Favorite TV/Movie star?
Jack Black.
67. What was your first pet?
Frog - Andy. From Aunt Diane.
68. What is/was your proudest moment(s)?
after heckling the blue jay bulpen for litterally teh entire game, they threw me a baseball out of mutual respect.
69. Do you bite your nails?
No, never.
70. What magazines to you subscribe to?
None, i hate magazines.
71. I never leave home without...
Cell phone, wallet, and keys.
72. What was your new year's resolution?
I don't believe in them. If you want to change your life, change it. Don't do it b/c of a calander.
73. What are you looking forward to in 2006?
Finally having teh YES network after years of suffering.
74. What was the last new word you learned?
Oh man, this is going to kill me. there was a word that i heard for the "first" time three times in two days. I thought it was so weird. I'll never remember it, but i remember shawn telling julia to not be so _____ on nip/tuck. or maybe it was the other way around.
75. What charities are you giving to this year?
I don't believe in giving to charities. I know that sounds cruel, but there's so much beuracracy and missue of funds for charities. When i finally decide what the best charity is, i'll give money then. I don't feel like i'm being selfish, b/c in theory i should be able to give more then, b/c i've been saving up.