Let's say that there are two types of work: Type A and Type B. Type A is desirable, while Type B is annoying.
On Monday, in either the late morning or early afternoon, I get an email from a knuckledragger that says "I just got Type A work". On Monday night, after work is over, we discuss how bad Type B is, and he says "don't worry, I have three days of Type A work".
On Wednesday evening, after work, the same person says "you know, Type B isn't that bad, it makes the day go by quickly".
Confused, I say "I thought you said you had three days of Type A".
Arrogantly, he answers "yeah.....Today is wednesday. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday equals three days. Duh!"
Me: "But you said I have three days on Monday night."
Him: "Yeah, I was including the work I did on Monday"
Me: "But that's in the past. Have is a present tense"
Him: "What, are you saying I should have stretched x amount of Type A into another day of work"?
Me: {internally, because there was no point in using these words to a knuckledragger}: Wow, what a strawman argument
Me: "Uh, by saying it makes the day go fast, that means you worked on it today"
Him: Yeah so......
Me: {puts headphones on}.
Point of the story: If you ever get into a conversation with a knuckledragger, make sure you realize that 1) have = past + present, 2) All of Tuesday plus slivers of Monday and Wednesday equals 3 days.
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on Monday, December 17, 2007
at Monday, December 17, 2007
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