apparently, the people who determine price points at the PATH think
they work for dorney park. A single fare is now 1.75. If you use a
smart link card, you can buy in bulk for an average of 1.30 per
ticket. In the alternative, you can buy "all day" passes where you
can ride the PATH an unlimited amount of times. For a 30 day "all
day" pass, the price is 54 dollars. That's 2 dollars less than the 40
trip pack. Now, the average commuter probably takes the path 43 times
in 30 days (twice a day during the week, zero times on the weekend, 4
2/7 weeks in the month). It's so close in price, that I imagine people
aren't going to take the risk on a monthly pass and instead stick with
buying individual trips. But at least it's COMPARABLE.
For the single day ticket, the cost is a whopping six dollars. My
mind litterally boggled. A person would have to ride the PATH FIVE
(ugh, i hate when emphasized-capital-letters sit side by side with
capitalized-for-regular-reason letters. the emphasis is completely
lost) times in order to make it profitbale for him. (5x1.30 = 6.50).
Seriously, how many people in the history of time have ridden the PATH
5 times in one day? Who's the target market? There are two
possible options here. First, is that the people at the PATH are
completely incompentant and just randomly picked a number out of thin
air. The second is that they are hoping to trick unsuspecting rookie
commuters who will see "single day" and mistake it for "single
trip". That's gotta be it, right? I think I'm going to have to
email the people at the PATH to see what's going on here. I forgot
to post it (but I will), but I was able to secure the removal of a
rogue, incorrect map on the PATH a month or so ago. Let's hope their
streak of good customer service continues.