rapid fire rants  


don't have time for full rants, so i'll just discuss the subjects and you can fill it in yourselves

- not fouling the other team when you are up by 3 is beyond dumb. what's really sad is that i really think that the reason coach's don't do it is b/c they don't want to be second guessed. kobe makes the shot and then lakers win in ot, brown can say "hey, it was a nice (but lucky) shot and we just got out played in OT". If he calls for the foul and (the even less likely scenerio occurs) they lose {those () don't make the sentence flow, i know} then everyone points their finger at brown and says "why did you do that". very sad really

- does everyone realize that the only reason we have 9th inning closers is b/c sutton got hurt in '82. I've read that before, but even joe morgan commented on it recently and i find it mind boggling.

- everyone is talking about how the red's manager is doing a great job, and will probably get the MOY award. they are also talking about the reason for success has been the great team chemistry. I haven't heard this kind of gushing since the '03 royals. BTW, how's the team chemistry there this year?

- roberto's is dead. No more 2 dollar subs. no more 7 dollar pie. new management. I'm both sad for the loss of a dear friend and somewhat pleased with myself b/c i contributed to his death. go figure

- if it wasn't for the 2-1 wednesdays, i would ban carvel. they charge 35 cents for toppings. that's pretty ridiculous, but some of the toppings could be good. what i don't understand is that sprinkles are on that list. can you imagine paying 35 cents for sprinkles. I should hang around outside there and kill any person that orders them. they don't deserve to live.

- gagne for lieber.

- rich harden = craig wilson.

- 6 beers for 20 dollars.

This entry was posted on Thursday, June 10, 2004 at Thursday, June 10, 2004 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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