Either Mark Cuban said it, or he was quoting someone who did  


I dont' read cuban's posts anymore, especially when they are long but....

There was a post about putting ads on basketball jerseys. And some of the comments by readers afterwards said "uh, i don't really think that ticket prices would go down just b/c owners would generate more money from advertisements".

People aren't that retarded are they? do they believe that greedy owners are only x greedy, and that after they make y millions, they'll just stop wanting to make money? My god, if they were content with the money they are making, stuffing more advertisments into the game wouldn't even be an issue.

This is why i can't even discuss things like the salary cap with other people. Their ignorance angers me.

This entry was posted on Saturday, June 04, 2005 at Saturday, June 04, 2005 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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