All Kinds of Awesome  


The big labowski was almost as good as steve claimed. which is saying something. I already have a desire to watch it again. and, if anyone can watch it and not crave a white russian, they are stronger than me.

also, the correct answer is "steve bushemi's character is the best".

as a sidenote, someone who's movie opinion i respect was outraged that i liked i heart huckabees. He likened it to a bunch of college kids who just walked out of a philosophy 101 course and wax poetic about real issues.

I can see where he's getting that from, but i don't think huckabees was taking themselves that seriously. i think it was all done tongue in cheek. of course, i saw it with ross and when i told him i liked it he said "really? i didn't think you'd allow yourself to address those type of issues", so maybe it WAS meant to be serious. or, ross is just nuts :)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 08, 2005 at Tuesday, March 08, 2005 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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