The new york post has an article about this new gadget people are buying that can scramble cellphones within a certain radius. here's the link if you want it, but it's not THAT interesting.

I'm just bothered that these people think they are fighting a crusade against rude people. There's nobody who hates cellphone abuse more than me (i don't think that's an exageration), but that still doesn't excuse people using these new instruments. If you were comparing degrees of rudeness, i think it's pretty clear that "being loud" takes a backseat to "ending a strangers conversation by pressing a button".

The fact that people are so selfcentered is a two fold problem: 1) They don't notice when they are annoying others (read: the loud person on the phone) and 2) They think they are entitled to not being annoyed or inconvenienced in anway (read: the person sitting there complaining about the person on the phone).

Thus, a person who buys a machine is equally inconsiderate as the person on the phone in the first place. And on top of that, they don't even have enough self respect to solve the problem in a less passive-agressive manner. Could asking someone to be quiet create a confrontation? Perhaps, but if you aren't willing to be placed in such a situation, then maybe you don't care enough about the issue. Maybe you should just shut up, and put some headphones on instead of trying to play james bond with your scrambler.

This entry was posted on Monday, February 21, 2005 at Monday, February 21, 2005 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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