oh he's just so great  


ESPN Classic - michael jordan. They are just gushing about how competitive he is and they tell a story about him cheating at goldfish against a teamate's mom. This guy really has the wool over everyone's eyes. what's next? gushing over how he stole his friend's wife just to see if he can?

After telling a story of jordan punching steve kerr b/c kerr was getting the better of him in practice, bj armstrong says: "he always apologized after a fight"

And they are talking how good he was at playing the good guy in the media. How he never took a stand on anything controversal. How he always said the right things. There are only two reasons he would do this and neither is noble. Either he was driven by endorsement deals (cha ching), or his ego is so out of control that he needed everyone to like him.

He boycotts SI to this day b/c they wrote an article telling him to quit baseball (which he should have)!

update: Magic was talking about the dream team and how michael would stay up all night playing cards. Magic was able to hang with him the first two nights, but on the third night he wanted to rest. Michael is busting his chops and Magic says "Mike, i'm not like you. I need my rest. I can't be doing this...."

i would have given anything, ANYTHING for him to finish that thought with "I have AIDS, for crying out loud!"

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 17, 2005 at Thursday, February 17, 2005 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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