Survivor drives me crazy.  


I was shocked to find myself rooting for johnny fairplay in the final four. Maybe that was just a matter of my two favorite words: De Fault. But I was so sick and tired of the Boyscout Lilly at the end. Seriously, I just can't understand why someone would get so emotional from a letter from home. Crying non stop and clutching the letters and kissing the host. It's not even 40 days. I dropped a month in Italy and didn't look back. I loved the look of johnny when he rolled his eyes over her dramatics.

what really irks me is that she gets all hardcore about having to make it to the finals "for her kids" and everyone else she cares about. And she goes on and on about how she's had to "play the game" and do things she wouldn't normally do in "real life". I'm sorry, I just don't see the distinction between the game and real life. And, yes, i know full well that reality tv isn't "real" per se. But, the way i see it, 16 people are competing with each other for a limited resource/reward, namely a million dollars. Is this THAT different than "real life". Aren't we all given opportunities in life where we can either look out for ourselves or our fellow man. How/why is it ok to lie and betray people in this "game"? That's not monopoly money as a reward. Their justifications are so lame: it's a game, everyone else is doing it, this isn't real life. The "game" is just a hyper version of real life. There is competition in real life for "rewards", it just takes longer than 39 days.

And what really stuck in my craw (is that the phrase?), is that she didn't have the heart to go all the way with it. If she had picked johnny fair play for the final, she would have won the million dollars. But she picked sandra b/c she respected her and blah blah blah. So which is it Lilly? Do you care about your family enough to compromise what you believe in to win a game? or are you a pushover? She blew it, and now has neither her integrity or a million dollars. Enjoy your boyscout troop.

And that really should be a whole other rant. She's just a little too into this boyscout thing. It's all she ever talked about. She'd even salute people and recite the code. How is this any different than trekkies? What a nutjob.

And finally, i'd like to comment on how awkward it was to watch the three finalists say their little pieces to the torches of the eliminted people. I mean, i understand that these people are asked to do things strictly for television purposes, but can you imagine being asked to talk to a stick? "yeah rupert, you were a great person and i enjoyed your company". TO A STICK?!? Ok, maybe this game isn't real.

This entry was posted on Monday, December 15, 2003 at Monday, December 15, 2003 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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