i was almost killed on my walk home last night  


the combination of curb and several hours of mario kart meant i was walking the "mean streets of newark" very late at night. I'm usually not worried, if anything ever went down, my plan would be to show them my tattoo and say "don't you know who i am? who my friends are." Granted, i don't have any such friends, but in my neighborhood, it just might work.

well, this thug that i had to deal with would not listen to such reason. I saw him lurking around my doorway just as i was walking down the sidewalk. I swear to god, this was the biggest possum i've ever seen. If the thing charged at me, i have no doubt it could have taken me down at the shins. Luckily, i must not have been enough of a challenge for him, so he just left quietly. I don't know what i would have done had he not moved.

I need to get a gun.

This entry was posted on Monday, February 09, 2004 at Monday, February 09, 2004 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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