why is my reaction atypical?  


I caught newlyweds for the first time this season. There's something about america's cute acceptance of jessica's lack of intelligence that i find annoying. After last season, you couldn't go 20 minutes w/o hearing a "chicken of the sea" joke. And this season seems to be sold on the hook of "tune in to see what she's going to say next." So, against my better judgment, i tuned in and this is what i heard....

1) couldn't say the word Massachusetts. tried over and over and then gave up.

2) had to film two commercials and could not, for the life of her, get her lines right. take after take and she couldn't get more than 3 words out w/o messing up. Nick nailed his lines on the first take.

so, here's my problem. People shouldn't be watching this show with an "oh my god, she so crazy" mentality. They should be filled with rage. They should want to take a baseball bat to jessica's skull and beat the retardness out of her. Her ignorance drives me crazy. Not only should she not be rich/famous, but she should be without the use of her legs.

Anyone want to bet a dollar that they will be divorced in the next five years?

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 18, 2004 at Wednesday, February 18, 2004 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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